Saturday, June 13, 2009

the stink was unbelievable

thus far, this fucker seems to revolve around food, or the prospect of food. so be it. ever eat some fast food in your car, then it stinks up the car for about a week and a half later? fuck me, that is some awful shit. it's a way of punishing you afterward.

i spilled a container full of toothpicks in my vehicle the other day. hundreds of these pointy little wooden fuckers are beneath the seat, clogging the instruments, depreciating the value of this fine motor vehicle. they're still sitting there... i haven't decided if im going to contract the work out or just vacuum it.

one time, garret and i were getting 2 for 1 pizza at about 1 am, and some annoying dick pulled up right next to us in a celica or something like that and left his headlights on, glaring directly into the cab of my truck, and into my face. i think they were listening to ntz, ntz, ntz. after waiting for garret to come back with the cheap slices, my alcohol saturated blood told me it would be a good idea to back up quickly and peel out in the snow, causing the chauches in the toyota to be amazed at my vehicular piloting dexterity. instead of that happening, i viciously backed into a gaurd rail and broke my driver's side tail light.

that'll show 'em.

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